Sunday, February 4, 2018

Clean Meats: A multi-million investment

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Billionaire icons Bill Gates, and Richard Branson, didn’t get to were they are without making smart, and intuitive investments. So why is it that both of these tycoons are investing in a meat company, called Memphis Meats?  Well it turns out that Memphis Meats is no ordinary meat company, in fact, it is the first organization to produce beef, chicken, and duck meat directly from stem cells. This means that the company produces meat that does not require the breeding or slaughtering of animals, thus coining the name "clean meant".

But this is more than just a publicity stunt, as the company claims to be able to produce the same amount of meat as traditional distributers, but while only using one percent of the land and water. The implications of this could lead to profound effects on our environment, animals, and public health. Which is why billionaire investors are eager to through their money in the “clean meat” pot, 17million to exact. Brason believes that 30 years from now all meat will be clean, and there will be no longer be a need to kill any animals for food, and this all wouldn’t be made possible without the study of genetics.

and for the Memphis Meats website where you can learn more about the "Clean Meat" process use this link

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