Monday, November 24, 2014

Study About Memories Being Passed to Offspring

A study was done with mice where they were trained to fear the smell of cherry blossoms in a Nature Neuroscience Study. This test affected the sperm production in these mice which sent a signal to the brain and altered the DNA. The Emory University School of Medicine looked at what happened to the sperm and it showed that a section of DNA responsible for sensitivity to the scent were made more active in the sperm. Then the offspring of the mice were sensitive to the smell of cherry blossom and avoided the scent even though they never personally encountered it.

This study showed that the experience of a parent even before reproducing does influence genes, the structure of the  brain, and the nervous system in the following generations. This provides evidence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and should be something that is looked at more in humans. This study also helps scientists understand more about neuropsychiatric disorders and other health problems.
Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance was something that I used to wonder about a lot and wondered how it affected offspring and the differences in them. Athletic ability used to be one of those that I thought could influence offspring but most of the time I heard that the idea of that was ridiculous. If mice can be scared of a scent for no reason other than their grandparents being scared of it, then it makes me wonder what other experiences previous generations can pass on to offspring.



  1. This is definitely something that is so interesting to read and think about. It really makes sense when you compare stuff you dislike or are afraid of with your parents because most of the time they are similar. I loved reading about how there is actually science behind it. This leaves me thinking about stuff that runs in my own family and thinking about how we all share certain dislikes and experiences.

  2. This is a really interesting topic that I would definitely like to know more about. I think that a lot of people's personality is influenced by their environment and the people around them, but it it also known that genes play a large role. This does make sense in terms of how certain families all share certain experiences, what people get from these experiences, and how many of our behaviors and opinions are influenced by parents.
