Monday, April 28, 2014

Is Y chromosome responsible for shorter life expectancy and higher cancer risk in men?

Overall, it is pretty well known that men have a shorter life expectancy, as well as a higher risk for certain types of cancers than women. An international group of researchers analyzed DNA samples from over 1,600 elderly men. They found that the loss of the Y chromosome in some white blood cells was the most common genetic alteration. They also found a correlation between the loss of the Y chromosome and a shorter life span, as well as an increased risk of cancer mortality. Everyone knows that the Y chromosome is mostly known because it is only present in men, and it plays a role in sex determination and sperm production. However, these researchers found that the Y chromosome also has a role in tumor suppression, which could explain why men get cancer more than women.
Hopefully in the future, the Y chromosome could predict the risk for men to develop cancer. Also, this new research could help determine why men have a higher risk for certain cancers opposed to women.


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